Welcome to
“Ride as much or as little, as long or as short as you feel. But ride.”
– Eddy Merckx
Next Club Event: Oct 15th
Announcement: RDB Cycle will not be formally operating until Spring next year – but please feel free to register your interest through the contact us portal!
About RDB Cycle
RDB Cycle is a national cycle club, newly formed in 2021 following a charity LEJOG ride set-up by RDB Concepts to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support.
Offering a wide range of rides, including numerous weekly club rides, training rides, challenge rides, club events and cycling trips.
Whether your thing is social cycling with the odd cafe stop or participating in an organised “Everesting Challenge”. RDB Cycle caters for all types of cycling. Above all we provide a safe, friendly and social environment for all of our members
RDB Cycle is affiliated with British Cycling.

Want to Join The Club?
We will never fulfil our vision of making the automobile obsolete without members!
If you love riding and enjoy meeting like minded people PUSH THE BUTTON