Our team includes our committee members and our hosts for the weekly ride-outs. See below to get to the know the team members!

Phill Evans
Chair and Ride-out Host
Since starting cycling I have become a little obsessed.
Endurance cycling is definitely my thing with hill climbing coming a close second.
Threats of divorce and bodily harm from my lovely wife have failed to deter my enthusiasm. (That’s a joke – she would never divorce me ? )
My duties as Chair include chairing committee meetings and the AGM and acting as a spokesperson for the club.
As a host, I will be arranging ride-outs in the Highlands – you can find these in the calendar.

Megan Brown
I may not be an avid cyclist but I am certainly learning a lot about the sport along the way, working at RDB Concepts!
Always up for a chat over a slice of cake and a latte at any cafe stop on your rides
My duties include managing the social media and website, organising committee meetings and the AGM.

Kash Hussain
Vice-Chair and Ride-out Host
Casual cyclist who loves all of the challenges that cycling brings with it.
Travelling is a favourite pass time and now Covid restrictions have eased, I’m aiming to get back into exploring new places!
My duties as Vice-Chair include filling in for the Chair when they are unable to fulfil their duties.
As a host, I will be arranging ride-outs in the Midlands area – you can find these in the calendar.

Dave Evans
Covid Officer and Ride-Out Host
I guess I may as well let the cat out of the bag and start by saying I am no record breaking cyclist.
I enjoy riding at my own pace (slow) ? and taking in the scenery, exploring new places and stunning views, enjoying the company of fellow riders over coffee and cake.
My duties as Covid Officer include owning the register for each club ride to ensure that we can provide information to track and trace if needed, and ensure the safety of all our members and the public.
As a host, I will be arranging ride-outs in the Midlands area – you can find these on the calendar.
Hardeep Channa
Treasurer and Ride-Out Host